We just finished recording the show and...Im literally SPEECHLESS!!
Vince Mcmahon himself couldnt script this shit!
OMG 1000000000000000000000x
J The Ripper Show w/ Steamroller and Dr. Decibel MD #44!
Iambrian from PUA Hate!
*What led to Grandma giving his TV away and erratic behavior?
*Gigsaw tells us what ran through his mind while driving his van to Grandma's
*Iambrian, former mod on PUA Hate, goes along for moral support and muscle
*Taking Grandma's Shit; Any Guilt?
*Gigsaw thinks Grandma's frame is strong but flawed
*Iambrian thinks Grandma might KILL them
*Is Grandma JEALOUS of GIGSAWS fame?
*Grandma's dog runs loose
*Grandma thinks Gigsaw is an insecure showboat
*Gigsaw retorts he is having fun and throws down the challenge
*Iambrian thinks Grandma is CRAZY
*Decibel gets challenged by Grandma
*Decibel gets FLUSTERED!
*Steamroller gets a Blowjob!
Holy fuck, Im speechless....
**Disclaimer: If I thought having any of the involved parties would result in harm I wouldnt do it. This show is purely for entertainment purposes only.
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[SIZE="7"]one more time, my show is not a spin of your show
if anything, my show is a completely rip off of the OnA show
Hoo HOO tell them fred
LOL @ Superjoint! Saying you arent my spin off is like saying Jeff Jarrett;s guitar gimmick isnt a spin off of the HonkyTonk Man.
Or like Saying Lucifer aka Giovanne Rodriguez isnt a spin off of William H Macy's pussy character in Boggey Nights...
Show has only been up for like 10 minutes and already over 45 downloads...LOL @ Barry, thanks for sending me all your audience you LOSER!!!
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Thank SuperJoint, my good pal and buddy! I hope you all enjoyed listening to your figurehead of PUA Hate, iambrian, on my show.
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Such faggotry. I don't even know where to start.
* 45 listeners? Oh my God, 45 actual listeners? Holy fuck - one day you might even get a 3 minute radio show on public access at 3:21am if you keep this up. Your career is on fire!
* If all of Barry's traffic was 45 listeners, you've been barking up the wrong tree for a LONG time
* Why, exactly, do you think every pua podcast is a "spinoff"? Did you invent radio shows? Invent podcasting? Invent doing an irreverant trying-to-be-funny show about PUAs? No, I didn't think so.
* "giggle"? Really? I know you write like a 13 year old girl, but now you have the mannerisms of one too?
I almost feel bad picking on such an obviously insecure person with so many issues, but you keep feeding me these great lines, so...
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haaaha u edited out that it was 45 listeners in just 10 mintues of the show being up...its well over 400 right now. Hahaa junky is a barry fag lover!
oh my God!!!!! 400 listeners, and only 300 of them were you downloading it over and over to boost your stats and make you think you have friends and that you matter in the world!!!!!!
Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even the crappiest pua website gets that many unique visitors in a single day. Every day.
Actually, your site is so crappy it doesn't even have an alexa ranking! Even Single Fag Travel has an alexa rating!
And yeah, Barry kicks your ass. I didn't like his show much, but he wasn't anywhere near as pompous and pretentious.
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Thanks Super"Oink", thats why its good having a buddy like you who calls me out on my own bullshit...JunkySandro is a loyal show supporter since he donated to my show. Thanks man!
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[SIZE="5"]you got me
i was afriad that my monitor font is so small, that i have to make my font bigger
that's the price you pay for (not one but 2) big ass monitors
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Please Leak the exact amount he donated
$5 along with an email asking me to fix episode #22 since I had it linked to ep. #24 accidentally. I invited him to come on the show since he was a fan but I totally spaced and forgot and now he's on the vendetta.
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Same brian. Dont know who is a mod.
This was funny. Like some kind of asian drug deal going down.
"I have martial arts training, but watch his hands. Grandma can have a gun. Bwian, you have my back, right?"
Does this Grandma guy have anything else to give away? I need me a 46 inch plasma. He surely could let his car go. What kind of dog is it? Females are better than males.
Especially with lo mein and lots of teriyaki.
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giggling is for 13 year old girls and fags.
If you really think I'm Papa Sandros, then you can have my authorization to release all of the details of his donation. Including credit card numbers.
You'll be in a little bit of hot water if I'm not though :P